Go Fishing! Fish Game

Go Fishing! Fish Game untuk PC

Versi sekarang:1.07.00Terakhir Diperbarui: 2025-02-03

Game isi

Welcome to Go Fishing! Get ready to dive into the next generation of mobile fishing games, specifically crafted for anglers and fishing enthusiasts from around the globe.

Go Fishing! offers an unparalleled experience with fun and realistic gameplay. Immerse yourself in breathtaking fishing environments and encounter a diverse range of exotic fish species.

Embark on your fishing journey at Antler Lake, a captivating location that boasts multiple water bodies. As you progress, unlock and conquer other renowned fishing spots like Bahia Honda, Las Vueltas, Oyster Bay, and many more. Each location presents a unique and stunning selection of fish, allowing you to build your very own Ultimate Collection.

So grab your gear, choose your fishing spot, and get ready to embark on an amazing fishing experience with Go Fishing!
Go Fishing! also features a broad variety of fish species, including bass, trouts, carp, salmon and even the elusive sharks, allowing players to test their skills and try to catch them all. Use Boosts to increase your chance of catching rare fish. Equip boost such as Luck, Chance, Weight, Speed and Sonar to augment your chance of catching the desired fish.
Enhance your fishing experience with a wide array of engaging features in the game. Take on a thrilling range of Missions, where you can immerse yourself in exciting objectives and challenges. Compete head-to-head with your friends in intense 1v1 fishing duels, showcasing your skills as you aim for victory.

Embark on Fishing Adventures that are brimming with captivating Quests, offering not only a sense of exploration but also rewarding you with enticing prizes. From big rewards to exclusive items, you'll find plenty of incentives to keep pushing forward.

Unlock the Season Pass to gain access to exclusive content and enjoy additional benefits as you progress through the game. Immerse yourself in the exhilaration of Tournaments, which feature a variety of competitions held daily, hourly, and during special events. Compete against fellow anglers from around the world and strive to climb the leaderboard, showcasing your fishing prowess to the global community.

These exciting challenges add an extra layer of exhilaration, providing you with opportunities to test and improve your fishing skills. Engage in friendly competition, discover new techniques, and continuously grow as you strive for greatness in the world of fishing.

With a diverse range of game modes and ample opportunities for rewards, the game ensures that every fishing session is filled with excitement, progression, and the chance to become a true angling champion. So dive in, tackle the challenges, and let your fishing skills shine!
Join the hunt for fish, play now:
- Easy to pick up and play, catering to all types of players and skills. Whether you're a seasoned angler or new to fishing games, you can jump right in and start playing.
- Immerse yourself in cinematic vistas and realistic, eye-catching fish!
- Compete and climb the ranks against other anglers in 1v1 duels, Fishing Adventures, and Tournaments.
- Seamlessly transition above water and underwater to select/upgradelures and get back to angling instantly.
- Enhance your cast with boosters that increase your Chance, Speed, Luck, and Fish Weight.
- Utilize Sonar to guide you to the best fish-catching spots.
- Upgrade your Gear & Lures, Level up to unlock new Fishing spots, and build your Ultimate Collection of Fish!

This game includes optional in-game purchases (includes random items).

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Bagaimana cara mengunduh dan memainkan Go Fishing! Fish Game di PC

  • 1
    Unduh dan instal LDPlayer X di komputer Anda
  • 2
    Ketik dan cari Go Fishing! Fish Game di kotak pencarian pojok kiri atas.
  • 3
    Klik "Instal", dan Go Fishing! Fish Game akan diunduh secara otomatis.
  • 4
    Setelah selesai, klik "Mulai".
  • 5
    Game akan otomatis dimulai di LDPlayer, dan Anda dapat menikmati Go Fishing! Fish Game.
  • 6
    Atau, Anda juga bisa klik ikon game di beranda LDPlayer untuk bermain Go Fishing! Fish Game.

Keuntungan bermain Go Fishing! Fish Game di PC dengan LDPlayer X.

Layar super lebar

Layar game di komputer yang lebih besar memungkinkan Anda menangkap detail Go Fishing! Fish Game dengan lebih jelas.

Kontrol yang dapat disesuaikan

Sesuaikan kontrol game dengan keyboard, mouse, dan joystick untuk pengalaman bermain Go Fishing! Fish Game yang setara dengan permainan konsol.

Multi-akun & Sinkronisasi

Dukungan untuk masuk dengan banyak akun game, bermain beberapa game sekaligus, dan mendapatkan hadiah awal dengan lebih cepat.

Frame rate tinggi

Gambar game menjadi lebih halus dan aksi lebih mulus, meningkatkan pengalaman visual dan imersif di Go Fishing! Fish Game.

Bantuan permainan

Menggunakan skrip untuk menyederhanakan tugas game yang rumit, menjalankan tugas secara otomatis, dan menikmati hasil permainan.

Perekam video

Merekam momen-momen menarik atau proses permainan Go Fishing! Fish Game dan berbagi dengan teman-teman game Anda.

Konfigurasi komputer untuk bermain Go Fishing! Fish Game di PC

Konfigurasi yang disarankan
Konfigurasi minimum


Sistem Win10 atau yang lebih tinggi 64-bit direkomendasikan, termasuk OpenGL 4.x


Konfigurasi yang disarankan


Intel Core i3-8100 generasi ke-8 atau yang lebih tinggi dengan 4 core atau lebih, VT harus diaktifkan


Lebih banyak game dari ZZZ
Kartu grafis

Kartu grafis

NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2G atau lebih tinggi

Kartu grafis

Mungkin Anda juga suka


8GB atau lebih


Lebih banyak game populer
Ruang penyimpanan

Ruang penyimpanan

Ruang kosong setidaknya 10GB pada disk instalasi, dan setidaknya 2GB pada disk sistem

Ruang penyimpanan

XXX - Pertanyaan Umum

Go Fishing! Fish Game - Pertanyaan Umum

Q: Apakah LDPlayer X aman?

LDPlayer X menghormati privasi pengguna, berjanji tidak membawa perangkat lunak berbahaya atau melanggar privasi pengguna, dan tidak akan menambang kripto di komputer pengguna.

Q: Bisakah saya bermain Go Fishing! Fish Game di PC?

Go Fishing! Fish Game adalah game mobile Olahraga yang diperkenalkan oleh Miniclip.com. Sekarang gunakan platform game mobile terbaik di komputer - LDPlayer X, Anda dapat menikmati Go Fishing! Fish Game di PC, mendapatkan pengalaman game yang setara dengan game konsol.

Q: Mengapa LDPlayer X adalah platform game terbaik untuk bermain Go Fishing! Fish Game di komputer?

LDPlayer X sebagai platform all-in-one dari LDPlayer, memenuhi semua kebutuhan Anda untuk bermain game mobile di komputer:
Emulator Android yang kuat terintegrasi memungkinkan Anda merasakan setiap detail permainan di komputer Anda.
Selain itu, Anda dapat memainkan banyak game populer langsung di browser Anda, seperti Brawl Stars, Roblox, dll.
Anda juga dapat melakukan top-up atau membeli item game populer di LDshop dengan harga terbaik.

LDPlayerX-solusi terpadu untuk memainkan game seluler di komputer Anda

Unduh sekarang untuk menikmati lebih banyak kesenangan dan manfaat permainan


LDPlayer X adalah platform permainan seluler all-in-one yang terintegrasi dengan emulator Android terbaru - LDPlayer, dan mendukung pengguna untuk bermain game seluler di browser, serta isi ulang game dengan harga termurah. Tujuan kami adalah memenuhi semua kebutuhan permainan pemain seluler di PC.

Hubungi kami

Permintaan Bisnis: robert@ldplayer.net

Dukungan Email: support_id@ldplayer.net

Email layanan pelanggan LD GAME: ldgame@ldplayer.net(Menangani akun LD & mengisi ulang masalah terkait)

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