Tacticool: Tactical fire games

Tacticool: Tactical fire games untuk PC

Versi sekarang:1.75.0Terakhir Diperbarui: 2024-11-13

Game isi

Are you ready for a dynamic 5v5 online military shooter?
Tacticool is an action-packed top-down shooter that delivers the thrill of army combat. Shoot guns straight from the car, destroy all around you, lead a tactical war against zombies, engage in military-style PvP and PvE modes in this competitive shooting game! Enjoy free mobile multiplayer battles and fast-paced car chases. Tacticool is a fun online multiplayer army shooter where strategy and military tactics are the route to victory.

Can't get enough of mobile TPS shooting games?
Tacticool meets your highest gun shooter demands. Shooting guns has never been so thrilling and competitive! Tacticool offers short team fights of 2-3 minutes, playing with friends online, a special zone with survival mode against zombies, intense army war action, and gun fights on various battlegrounds.

Enjoy Tacticool shoot game modes:
BASIC 5V5 MODES: Capture the Bag, Control zone, Team Deathmatch.
SPECIAL MODES: Battle Royale, Operation Descent: war with a horde of zombies in a team of 3 players.

**Shooter Game Features:**

**More than 70 types of weapons:** Shotgun, Knives, Grenades, Mines, RPG, C4, Adrenaline, Landau, Gravity Gun, Sniper Gun, and more. Choose your weapon & shooting games tactics, hear the boom of grenades or the echo of bullets in the battles with free high-powered guns. Play a realistic shooting game in a military zone!

**Up to 30 customizable characters** in PvP action games. Create your own unique heroes and use a special preset of three respawnable operators to win this third-person shooter.

**Destructible environment.** Arrange cool war games online, break fences, blow up cars, start shootouts, use auto-aiming. Enter a real online survival zone game!

**Take part in mobile battles in different locations.** Choose one of 15 shooter game maps. Make killing shots on the 5v5 battlefields.

**Car fights** and exciting PvP combat with your squad. Shoot straight from the car or arrange an accident. The engaging gameplay makes this game a real action-packed army shootout!

**Regular updates, new events**, and new cool gun game elements. With Tacticool 5v5 game you'll never get bored. During events, you can get new gameplay experiences for upgrading your killing and shooting skills. Take part in special events: kill enemies in armed heists, survive in free fire outbreaks, stand-off attacks of monsters, eliminate zombies when duty calls! Win free rewards and great prizes.

**Play online** with your friends and make new friends in Tacticool! Take part in team-based gun game action, join clans with players from all over the world, share your knowledge, and communicate. This 5v5 action game is **based on tactics.** The third-person view allows you to develop various tactics and shooting skills: place a sniper or send a special forces squad, set up a trap for the enemy. Plan ops to deal critical damage!

Please note, Tacticool mobile shooting games are free to download and play. However, some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don't want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases in your device's settings. This game requires a stable internet connection.

Follow us:
Discord: TacticoolGame
YT: Tacticool: Online 5v5 Shooter
FB: TacticoolGame
IG: tacticoolgame
TW: TacticoolGame

Please contact customer service if you encounter any problems: support@panzerdog.com

Enjoy the intense online multiplayer action. Play Tacticool - the Tactical 5v5 top-down shooter!

Brought to you by MY.GAMES B.V.

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Kontrol yang dapat disesuaikan

Sesuaikan kontrol game dengan keyboard, mouse, dan joystick untuk pengalaman bermain Tacticool: Tactical fire games yang setara dengan permainan konsol.

Multi-akun & Sinkronisasi

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Frame rate tinggi

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Bantuan permainan

Menggunakan skrip untuk menyederhanakan tugas game yang rumit, menjalankan tugas secara otomatis, dan menikmati hasil permainan.

Perekam video

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Konfigurasi komputer untuk bermain Tacticool: Tactical fire games di PC

Konfigurasi yang disarankan
Konfigurasi minimum


Sistem Win10 atau yang lebih tinggi 64-bit direkomendasikan, termasuk OpenGL 4.x


Konfigurasi yang disarankan


Intel Core i3-8100 generasi ke-8 atau yang lebih tinggi dengan 4 core atau lebih, VT harus diaktifkan


Lebih banyak game dari ZZZ
Kartu grafis

Kartu grafis

NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2G atau lebih tinggi

Kartu grafis

Mungkin Anda juga suka


8GB atau lebih


Lebih banyak game populer
Ruang penyimpanan

Ruang penyimpanan

Ruang kosong setidaknya 10GB pada disk instalasi, dan setidaknya 2GB pada disk sistem

Ruang penyimpanan

XXX - Pertanyaan Umum

Tacticool: Tactical fire games - Pertanyaan Umum

Q: Apakah LDPlayer X aman?

LDPlayer X menghormati privasi pengguna, berjanji tidak membawa perangkat lunak berbahaya atau melanggar privasi pengguna, dan tidak akan menambang kripto di komputer pengguna.

Q: Bisakah saya bermain Tacticool: Tactical fire games di PC?

Tacticool: Tactical fire games adalah game mobile Laga yang diperkenalkan oleh Panzerdog. Sekarang gunakan platform game mobile terbaik di komputer - LDPlayer X, Anda dapat menikmati Tacticool: Tactical fire games di PC, mendapatkan pengalaman game yang setara dengan game konsol.

Q: Mengapa LDPlayer X adalah platform game terbaik untuk bermain Tacticool: Tactical fire games di komputer?

LDPlayer X sebagai platform all-in-one dari LDPlayer, memenuhi semua kebutuhan Anda untuk bermain game mobile di komputer:
Emulator Android yang kuat terintegrasi memungkinkan Anda merasakan setiap detail permainan di komputer Anda.
Selain itu, Anda dapat memainkan banyak game populer langsung di browser Anda, seperti Brawl Stars, Roblox, dll.
Anda juga dapat melakukan top-up atau membeli item game populer di LDshop dengan harga terbaik.

LDPlayerX-solusi terpadu untuk memainkan game seluler di komputer Anda

Unduh sekarang untuk menikmati lebih banyak kesenangan dan manfaat permainan


LDPlayer X adalah platform permainan seluler all-in-one yang terintegrasi dengan emulator Android terbaru - LDPlayer, dan mendukung pengguna untuk bermain game seluler di browser, serta isi ulang game dengan harga termurah. Tujuan kami adalah memenuhi semua kebutuhan permainan pemain seluler di PC.

Hubungi kami

Permintaan Bisnis: robert@ldplayer.net

Dukungan Email: support_id@ldplayer.net

Email layanan pelanggan LD GAME: ldgame@ldplayer.net(Menangani akun LD & mengisi ulang masalah terkait)

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