Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games

Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games untuk PC

Versi sekarang:1.0.7Terakhir Diperbarui: 2023-09-11

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Welcome to 3D Bird Hunter Games. Enjoy Offline Bird Hunting Games with best shooting simulations.
It's best hunting season of the year to hunt new birds and shoot waterfowl. Aim high to gun down many flying birds with the best hunting rifles. You will have the birds hunter dog with you to track birds nest. 3D Bird Hunting Shooting Games!
Are you a real hunter? Get ready as pro shikari games player for the most fun archetype (bow and arrow) bird and wild animal hunting game 2023! Play awesome 3d bird hunting games to become the top bird hunter.

All seasonal birds are out now. Play for free Shooting Archery lovers!! Don’t chicken out and miss the chance to become a tactical shooter and professional archer hunter. This is an exclusive wild hunt adventures in these new shooting games with wild hunting guns. It is going to take you to exotic places across America to Africa. Challenging shooting missions and hunting adventures with hunter dog games involving best bird hunting games are the most fun. If you think to be the best hunter in 2023 then try all shikar wali game tricks. Test your real survival abilities in hunting quests of jungle hunting simulation games. This gun wala game and chidiya game needs you to hunt down all the wild ducks, owls, eagles, sparrows, pheasants, and seagulls with amazing hunter gun games.

Do you play wild animal games and deer hunting games for fun? Then download 3D Bird Hunter: Bird Hunting Games Offline for the journey of flying bird shooting games. The FPS hunting gameplay of 3D Bird hunting adventure game 2023 is simple to aim and shoot. Have your own top bird hunter rules in these bird hunting games 2023.

You can enjoy realistic archery shooting experience in multiple modes of this gun games. Beware of the dangerous animals around. Hunt in a realistic environment with beautiful birds to shoot with hunter gun games. Hunting is all about patience before the golden shot. As arrow shooting gets accurate more coins you will get. Collect the prize in bird hunter games 2023. Coins will allow you to get customize bows and arrows for bird archery games. Upgrade the weapons of janwar wala game and survival gadgets. All of this will aid in the best archery experience in 3d bird hunting games simulator.

Are you alert to capture the sight of bucks hiding in the trees and bushes? A variety of 3D Bird Hunting opportunities are available in this new shooting games. Fan of hunter trophy collectibles? Amazing bird shooting game 2023 is here. Gather all the modern weapons to hunt ducks and many other birds.

As pro eagle hunter, you will need different bows and arrows to get the perfect fire a shot. Wild birds include falcons, crows, sparrows, as well as ducks will be in hunt quests. Also, it is as exciting as an archery adventure game for all archers to attack. Play daily challenges of hunting shooting games simulator for fun action. Hunting of animals like deer and bears is also included. Make the most from 3d hunting experience in this online games as well as free hunting offline game.

Aim accurately at the falcons as you wait for the right time to pull the arrow in this archery games 2023. Your target can be sitting on a tree or flying in the sky. If you fail to hunt crows at first strike then they will get away. Failed attempts will lead to fewer points. But you want to become the bird hunter champion of world leaderboards. Hunt as best as you can in this offline bird archery adventure.

Put your 3D bird shooter skills to test as you aim and shoot to hit the moving target. Catch ducks and become the ultimate wild birds hunting master this duck hunting season. Want to play hunting outdoor with bird hunting games? Then this Duck Hunting 3D Action Adventure game offers you all the freedom to get shooting range skills as you hunt birds in a virtual world simulation. Learn wild duck hunting from scratch, this gun app is one of the best hunting games available for you.

Bagaimana cara mengunduh dan memainkan Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games di PC

  • 1
    Unduh dan instal LDPlayer X di komputer Anda.
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    Ketik dan cari Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games di kotak pencarian pojok kiri atas.
  • 3
    Klik "Instal", dan Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games akan diunduh secara otomatis.
  • 4
    Setelah selesai, klik "Mulai".
  • 5
    Game akan otomatis dimulai di LDPlayer, dan Anda dapat menikmati Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games.
  • 6
    Atau, Anda juga bisa klik ikon game di beranda LDPlayer untuk bermain Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games.

Keuntungan bermain Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games di PC dengan LDPlayer X.

Layar super lebar

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Kontrol yang dapat disesuaikan

Sesuaikan kontrol game dengan keyboard, mouse, dan joystick untuk pengalaman bermain Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games yang setara dengan permainan konsol.

Multi-akun & Sinkronisasi

Dukungan untuk masuk dengan banyak akun game, bermain beberapa game sekaligus, dan mendapatkan hadiah awal dengan lebih cepat.

Frame rate tinggi

Gambar game menjadi lebih halus dan aksi lebih mulus, meningkatkan pengalaman visual dan imersif di Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games.

Bantuan permainan

Menggunakan skrip untuk menyederhanakan tugas game yang rumit, menjalankan tugas secara otomatis, dan menikmati hasil permainan.

Perekam video

Merekam momen-momen menarik atau proses permainan Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games dan berbagi dengan teman-teman game Anda.

Konfigurasi komputer untuk bermain Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games di PC

Konfigurasi yang disarankan
Konfigurasi minimum


Sistem Win10 atau yang lebih tinggi 64-bit direkomendasikan, termasuk OpenGL 4.x


Konfigurasi yang disarankan


Intel Core i3-8100 generasi ke-8 atau yang lebih tinggi dengan 4 core atau lebih, VT harus diaktifkan


Lebih banyak game dari ZZZ
Kartu grafis

Kartu grafis

NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2G atau lebih tinggi

Kartu grafis

Mungkin Anda juga suka


8GB atau lebih


Lebih banyak game populer
Ruang penyimpanan

Ruang penyimpanan

Ruang kosong setidaknya 10GB pada disk instalasi, dan setidaknya 2GB pada disk sistem

Ruang penyimpanan

XXX - Pertanyaan Umum

Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games - Pertanyaan Umum

Q: Apakah LDPlayer X aman?

LDPlayer X menghormati privasi pengguna, berjanji tidak membawa perangkat lunak berbahaya atau melanggar privasi pengguna, dan tidak akan menambang kripto di komputer pengguna.

Q: Bisakah saya bermain Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games di PC?

Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games adalah game mobile Laga yang diperkenalkan oleh Gun action games. Sekarang gunakan platform game mobile terbaik di komputer - LDPlayer X, Anda dapat menikmati Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games di PC, mendapatkan pengalaman game yang setara dengan game konsol.

Q: Mengapa LDPlayer X adalah platform game terbaik untuk bermain Birds Shooting Game: Gun Games di komputer?

LDPlayer X sebagai platform all-in-one dari LDPlayer, memenuhi semua kebutuhan Anda untuk bermain game mobile di komputer:
Emulator Android yang kuat terintegrasi memungkinkan Anda merasakan setiap detail permainan di komputer Anda.
Selain itu, Anda dapat memainkan banyak game populer langsung di browser Anda, seperti Brawl Stars, Roblox, dll.
Anda juga dapat melakukan top-up atau membeli item game populer di LDshop dengan harga terbaik.

LDPlayerX-solusi terpadu untuk memainkan game seluler di komputer Anda

Unduh sekarang untuk menikmati lebih banyak kesenangan dan manfaat permainan


LDPlayer X adalah platform permainan seluler all-in-one yang terintegrasi dengan emulator Android terbaru - LDPlayer, dan mendukung pengguna untuk bermain game seluler di browser, serta isi ulang game dengan harga termurah. Tujuan kami adalah memenuhi semua kebutuhan permainan pemain seluler di PC.

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